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Newbies – 5 Special Craft Beers You Need To Check Out

So many beers- So little time... With winter waning, and now we're beginning to see some early springtime offerings and we've a number of them for you. ...We've also some great new releases from Dogfish Head and Sierra Nevada that you may need to chase down as well.

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Whiskey-Trained: Hanging With 2 Gingers’ Kieran Folliard

We don't write about spirits here at ACB... It's all we can do to keep up with the American craft beer scene and besides, we know absolutely nothing about the whiskey world. That's why I was perplexed when Kara Pinato invited me up to Minneapolis to spend time with Kieran Folliard and get a taste for what he was doing.

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The American Craft Beer Rumor Mill – February 24, 2016

Yikes, February is flying by... and clearly nothing is slowing down anytime soon. But no worries, Rumor Mill is always on the case, keeping you plugged in to all the craft beer news that matters. Plus we've an all-important update on what we've been drinking lately and you absolutely don't want to miss that.

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Pricy Drinking – Six Craft Beers We Can’t Afford

Many breweries nowadays, release special-edition beers and some of them can command exorbitant prices. Writing for Yahoo Food, Devin Pratt recently came up with six of what he explains as "the most expensive beers in the world." Some of these we've heard of and others we've not - but one thing's for sure - we can't afford any of them.

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Exploring Astoria Oregon

There are only a few places around the globe where the architecture, culture and surrounding nature are in near perfect harmony, creating a vibe that resonates with its vistors long after the stay. I made a brief visit to one such place, Astoria, Oregon, a small fishing village at the mouth of the Columbia River.

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The American Craft Beer Quick Hits – February 22, 2016

We blame the industry for this... It used to be that when we wrapped up our Weekend Picks on Friday, we could coast through the weekend. There was little need to check in for updates - things were pretty much done. But clearly all that's changed.

So here's some of what's happened in the world of craft beer while you were off enjoying yourself.

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Stoned For A Day

When one thinks of breweries, it's likely that images of massive steel tanks surrounded by endless hops and malted barley come to mind, accompanied by a brewer or two with shaved heads, long beards, and the occasional hop tattoo. But Stone Brewing likes to do things differently....

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Hey it's Friday... and you're ready for some fun. Well good, because we're all about it and we've got all kinds of ideas for you. From the nation's coolest beer festivals to movies, music and cutting edge TV - we've got your back big-time.  Plus we've a weekend beer pick for you too, because we know you'll be drinking!

So welcome to our awesome Weekend Picks...

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