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The American Craft Beer 2016 Friday Wrap-Up

Hey we get it.  You're busy and you can't possibly hang with us 24/7. But still, we don't want you to be missing all the good stuff. So as part of our ongoing commitment to bringing you the best craft beer and lifestyle coverage on the face of the planet - and to keep you plugged into our ongoing recklessness - we do a weekly compilation of our recent good, bad and ugly.

So welcome to the first Friday Wrap-Up of 2016

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We, the Average Joes at ACB, may not have full-time jobs brewing, selling or judging beer, yet if you knew just how AWESOME some of our real jobs are, you'd better understand why we spend so much of our free time drinking beer. It all goes to show that we take our research quite seriously and wish to impart the wisdom we've stumbled upon, in the hopes of making your free time as rich as ours.

Without further ado, let's drink in yet another chapter in our series, "What the Hell is a Cascadian Dark Ale?"

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Newbies – 5 New Craft Beers You Need To Check Out

So many beers- So little time... Winter is undeniably here, and with it comes the beers of the season. And we have a number of interesting offerings that you'll want to chase down...We also have a new collaboration from Heavy Seas and Maine Beer that sounds serious as well.

Hard Wired Nitro / Hopside Down / Schlafly Grapefruit IPA and more

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Born In A Blizzard – The DuVig Brewing Story

2013 will be remembered for the snowstorms that blasted the Northeast. Residents of towns like Branford, Connecticut were snowed in and without power for days. Many spent their days digging out - others succumbed and dug in - and the Dugas and Vigliott families spent their time together drinking beer and talking about what would eventually become the DuVig Brewing Company.

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The American Craft Beer Weekend Picks – January 22, 2016

Hey it's Friday... and you're ready for some fun. Well good, because we're all about it and we've got all kinds of ideas for you. From the nation's coolest beer festivals to movies, music and cutting edge TV - we've got your back big-time.  Plus we've a weekend beer pick for you too, because we know you'll be drinking!

So welcome to our awesome Weekend Picks...

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The Evolution of A Craft Beer Artist

You certainly appreciate the passion it takes to craft your favorite brews, but have you considered who makes all those quirky labels that make them stand out on the shelf? Sam Gibson is one of those people and he's been on a quest to combine his passions of graphic design and craft beer since falling in love with both. And now he's creating brilliant artwork for one of the mid-Atlantic region's most recognizable breweries...

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