So many beers- So little time... With winter waning, we're beginning to see some "warm weather" offerings. ...Plus we've some great new releases from Lagunitas and Flying Dog that you'll want to get your sweaty little hands on.
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So many beers- So little time... With winter waning, we're beginning to see some "warm weather" offerings. ...Plus we've some great new releases from Lagunitas and Flying Dog that you'll want to get your sweaty little hands on.
Alcoholism is a subject that's mostly avoided the drinks biz - but it's one of the 800 pound gorillas in the room. We all know people who drink recklessly - who are victims to alcohol's pleasures and pull. It may be one of the reasons that some are drawn to our industry to begin with. After all if you enjoy getting buzzed, the alcohol business is not a bad place to be...just sayin'.
Which brings us to Sarah Hepola's Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget, a compelling account of one woman's "drinking life" and her very personal journey back from self-destruction.
TOM BOBAK – EDITOR-IN-CHIEF |We blame the industry for this... It used to be that when we wrapped up our Weekend Picks on Friday, we could coast through the weekend. But clearly all that's changed.So here's some of what's happened in the world of craft beer while you were off enjoying yourself.
Hey we get it. You're busy and you can't possibly hang with us 24/7. But still, we don't want you to be missing all the good stuff. So as part of our ongoing commitment to bringing you the best craft beer and lifestyle coverage on the face of the planet - we do an occasional compilation of our recent good, bad and ugly.
So welcome to another Weekend Wrap-Up...
MacLeod Ale Brewing has brought the British cask ale tradition to the the San Fernando Valley - and SoCal's just a better place because they have!
DAVE STRATTON - LA CORRESPONDENT |Hey it's Friday... and if you're like us, you're ready for some fun. Well good, because we've got all kinds of ideas for you. From the nation's coolest beer festivals to movies, music and cutting edge TV - we've got your back big-time. Plus we've a weekend beer pick for you too, because we know you'll be drinking!
ACB covers craft beer news, entertainment and lifestyle 24/7, and we'd like to think we do a decent job. But there's a lot of great craft beer journalism out there - and were constantly running into articles that we wished that we'd written.
So welcome to another ACB Newswire - recent articles that we've enjoyed - and thought you might as well.
Craft beer has become a major force in "the land down under" - and you we've a brand new Austrailian correspondent to tell you all about it!
BOB GORMAN – ACB AUSTRALIAN CORRESPONDENT |In yet another sign that sooner or later there will be an "official day" for just about everything, today has been designated as National Beer Day. And we don't really care who "officially" designated it as such as long as it legitimizes us drinking in the morning...That said here's more than you ever need to know about this important holiday.
So many beers- So little time... With winter waning, we're beginning to see some "warm weather" offerings. ...Plus we've some great new releases from Schlafly and Flying Dog that you'll want to get your sweaty little hands on.