So many beers, so little time…With so many craft breweries, releasing so many beers, we thought it might help to provide a weekly update on all the new beers that are hitting the streets. And since today is IPA Day, we’re paying special attention to this immensely popular style. So welcome to this week’s All IPA Edition of Newbies – your guide to great new IPA releases!
Flying Dog Caught Telling The Truth (Frederick, MD) – Flying Dog Brewery is releasing a brand-new beer, The Truth Imperial IPA, as a year-round addition to its portfolio. Three years in the making, The Truth is an 8.7% monster that was developed alongside the brewery’s Single Hop Imperial IPA series of more than a dozen beers that have been released since 2010. Warrior, Summit, CTZ, Citra, and Amarillo hops all contribute to the hop insanity that is The Truth. Starting August 15, The Truth Imperial IPA will be available in Maryland and Washington, DC on draft and in 12 oz. six-packs.
Top-Secret IPA Soon to Surface in the West (Pacific Northwest) – We’ve been sworn to secrecy on this one. And if we told you, we’d have to kill you, so we won’t. Just know that a significant Pacific Northwest brewery will soon be releasing a one-of-a-kind IPA, and it’s going to change everything! We’ll be all over this, once they give us the okay, so stay close. And trust us – this one’s a mind-blower!
Sierra Nevada Goes to the Flipside! (Chico, CA) – Sierra Nevada’s got a new seasonal coming out and it’s a different kind of IPA – a red one. Flipside Red IPA useswhole-cone Citra, Simcoe, and Centennial hops. But it’s their interplay with the pale, caramel, and chocolate malts that roots Flipside and supplies its rich color. Flipside Red IPA is a 6.2% ABV celebration of late summer and early fall transition – a seasonal beer that’s perfect for that final flash of summer. Look for Flipside beginning in September in 12 oz. bottles and on draft.
Stone Gives a Damn (Escondido, CA) – Look for Stone Brewing’s Germanic Anniversary IPA to be hitting the streets soon. Stone 17th Anniversary Götterdämmerung IPA is a 9.5% ABV homage to craft beer’s European roots, brewed with malts and hops traditionally used to brew German lagers and Czech pilsners. Expect Götterdämmerung IPA to hit nationally in mid-August.
Moylan’s Giving Therapy Sessions (Novato, CA) – Just in time for IPA Day, Moylan’s Brewery announces their newest release. Therapy Session IPA is new Brewmaster Derek Smith’s answer for those who want their hop fix but don’t need the high alcohol content that usually comes with it. The Therapy Session IPA has a 4.5% ABV but retains all the hoppy flavor kick of your more potent IPAs. And it’s on tap today at their brewpub.
New Belgium Back in the Hop Kitchen (Fort Collins, CO) – Word is coming out that New Belgium will soon have a fresh addition to their Hop Kitchen Series and we can’t wait. Fresh Hop India Pale Ale is a 7% ABV IPA brewed with hops picked fresh from the vine. We don’t have a specific release date for this newbie – but be ready.
Green Flash Gets A Triple! (San Diego, CA) – Named after a super robust New Zealand hop, the Green Flash Brewing Company has just announced the national debut of Green Bullet Triple IPA. First developed in 2011, Green Bullet has grown an almost cult-like following out West, prompting the brewery to unleash it on the nation. This 10.1% ABV “hop-bomb” will be available in 4-packs of 12 oz. bottles, 22 oz. bombers, and on draft nationally beginning in September.
Marin Brewing Company All About IPA Day (Larkspur, CA) – The Marin Brewing Company is celebrating IPA Day with favorites like Marin IPA and Three Flowers IPA on tap at their brewery and restaurant, but Brewmaster Arne Johnson is marking the occasion with a twist to his classic Marin IPA by adding a new flavor addition of Simcoe hops and 30% less Crystal malt to hop things up.