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The American Craft Beer Rumor Mill – January 23, 2013

It's Wednesday and it's Rumor Mill Time.....Craft Beer has caught fire in Mississippi with more and more new breweries coming on line! We'll be giving you everything that we know so far, plus we've got some fast-breaking craft beer news from the UK as well as from Stone Brewing Co. We also have a hot new release that you've got to get your hands on! So fasten your seatbelts everybody, because ....THIS WEEK'S RUMOR MILL IS ON!

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In Defense of All Craft Beer

Several nights ago, I heard a well-respected brewer say something that stuck with me long after the evening ended - that if he put "Imperial" or "Barrel-aged" in front of anything he made, it would get higher ratings than the lighter brews in his portfolio. The statement surprised me at first, but upon consideration of his line-up, I realized that what he said was true...

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Peddler Brewing Company

Seattle is known for its craft beer, and perhaps there is no neighborhood in Seattle better known for its beer than the Ballard neighborhood in the northwestern part of Seattle. Indeed, Ballard's newest brewery, Peddler Brewing Company, is located down the street from brewery Hale's Ales and has adopted the space formerly occupied by another local brewery, Maritime Pacific Brewing Company.

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Another reason to love New York

Of the most recent batch of New York City-based breweries, few have made as much of a splash as quickly as Alphabet City Brewing Company. The company made its way across the Five Boroughs, starting off as a small operation and hand delivering kegs of their wildly popular Easy Blonde. They've just released their second offering, the Dizzy Brewnette, an American take on a German amber style.

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The American Craft Beer Weekend Picks – January 18, 2013

Hey it's Friday and we're heading into the weekend. So you're still getting over your long holiday break and not yet adjusted to being back at work. You've got to be hurting getting back in the swing and you're in need of a fun weekend. That's where we come in! We're all about the fun and we've got you covered. Plus we've got some special weekend beer picks for you too ........So welcome to this week's edition of our awesome Weekend Picks!

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Reason #3 Why Going Home for the Holidays Just Got Better – Midnight Brewery

Many of us can only dream of finding the perfect profession or having the opportunity to pursue our favorite hobby. Yet sometimes, as was the case for Midnight Brewery, the pursuit of perfection leads you down an entirely different road. All the tell-tale signs that Trae Cairns was destined to be more than just an avid homebrewer were there - from staying up all hours to brew even after putting in a full day's work to the growing demand among his friends for his homebrews.

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The American Craft Beer Rumor Mill – January 16, 2013

It's Wednesday and it's Rumor Mill Time.....Garrett Marrero and crew have just announced big plans in the islands and have given us yet another reason to go to Hawaii! We'll be giving you everything that we know so far, plus we've got some fast-breaking craft beer news from the "Granite State" as well as from Port City Brewing. We also have a hot new release that you've got to get your hands on! So fasten your seatbelts everybody, because ....THIS WEEK'S RUMOR MILL IS ON!

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