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The American Craft Beer Weekend Picks – November 1, 2013

Hey it's Friday and the weekend's almost here. And with fall in the air, you're more ready than ever for some serious fun. Well good, because we are on it! From the nation's coolest beer festivals to movies, music, and cutting-edge TV - we've got your back big-time. So welcome to this week's edition of our awesome Weekend Picks.

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Beer is Terrifying: A Craft Halloween

It may be just me, but I honestly believe that Halloween is the best holiday. Seriously, I love it so much that my wife and I celebrate our anniversary on that day. Again, totally serious. 

As we got close to the end of October, it became obvious to me that we needed to have a discussion about the real things that go bump in the night. The call went out to the team: "What should we be drinking this All Hallow's Eve?" The answers were terrifying. 

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Three Monsters that Would Greatly Benefit from Craft Beer

Halloween has come to be my favorite holiday of the year. I adore old crappy horror movies, not because I want to scream like a 12-year-old girl and get dabbles of urine in my shorts like some people, but because I think they're hilarious. After recently watching The Monster Squad (which is a shittier version of The Goonies but with monsters), I began to think that some monsters have it rough. I'm sure if I had to sleep in a wooden coffin during the day, I would want to bite some necks too (I needs me my Tempur-Pedic mattress pad!). I wondered if there is one thing that would make these monsters' lives a little better, and of course, craft beer was my answer.

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The American Craft Beer Rumor Mill – October 30, 2013

Hey it's Wednesday and that means it's Rumor Mill Time....Bluejacket, one of Washington, DC's most anticipated new breweries, opened up its doors last night. We'll be bringing you all the highlights from last night's debut. Plus we've got more news on the Sky Hags converging on Airways tomorrow and an update on the recent burglary at Great Lakes Brewing. We've also got a special new Rumor Mill release that you'll want to chase down. So fasten your seat belts, trick-or-treaters....THIS WEEK'S RUMOR MILL IS ON!

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Port City Brewing Company – Elevating the DC Craft Scene

The Washington, D.C. area has garnered a less-than-stellar reputation recently. Whether it's the dismal approval rating of Congress and the recent government shutdown debacle, or the failings of storied sports franchises that can't succeed when it matters most, to outsiders the D.C. area may appear to be a place that can't get its act together. So it may be surprising then that a burgeoning craft beer scene has been thriving throughout the region, with the Port City Brewing Company coming out as one of its leaders.

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What the Hell Is a Märzen?

Hey, even though we act like it, we admit we don't know everything. And one thing that's cool to know more about is the kind of beer that you're drinking. Every beer style has a back-story, a hometown, and a reason why it came about. It all plays a role in a beer's DNA and we think that matters.

So welcome to the latest in our ongoing series (drum roll please...) "What the Hell Is a Märzen?"

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