Bad Ideas In Brewing – Beer Keg Golf Bag

, Bad Ideas In Brewing – Beer Keg Golf Bag

Hey, no one’s perfect…as we at American Craft Beer understand better than most. That said, there are some ideas out there that are just plain WRONG. So welcome to another BAD IDEAS IN BREWING…and we’re blaming Michelob ULTRA for this one.

We won’t ever be comfortable with donut beers. The less said about Eastern Europe’s vaginal beer, the better. And absolutely no one needs a beer brewed with Peeps Easter candy.

But when an established brand like Michelob ULTRA incentivizes its fans with a beer keg golf bag, maybe it’s time to either “bag it,” or chase down a caddie on steroids….

Here’s The Deal

Michelob ULTRA recently announced the ULTRA Caddie bag, something the company describes as “a premium and unexpected innovation for golf fans.”  And we totally agree with the unexpected part.

The good news is that the Michelob ULTRA Caddie bag includes everything needed for the optimal 19th hole experience – from a keg filled with Michelob ULTRA to speakers and more.

The bad news is that you, or some unfortunate caddie who should run the other way when he sees you coming, will have to haul that keg around 18 arduous holes, before you get to that 19th hole and promptly pass out.

, Bad Ideas In Brewing – Beer Keg Golf BagThe ULTRA Caddie Bag comes with state-of-the-art features including:

  • 128 Oz. refillable keg with custom Michelob ULTRA tap handle
  • Rechargeable Bluetooth® speaker
  • Built-in tablet for streaming all your favorite media
  • Storage for pint glasses
  • LED lighting (!)

Bottom Line

Anheuser-Busch is inviting those interested in the world’s heaviest golf bag to enter for a chance to win the one-of-a-kind prototype, by sharing how they live ULTRA using #ULTRACaddieContest on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

And while some golf and beer fans will be interested we’ve still some concerns…

If the Michelob ULTRA Caddie bag promotion takes off who knows what’s next…Maybe a Michelob ULTRA bowling ball/keg will be in the offing…Are we sure that’s a good idea?

And besides, if you’re truly excited about hauling a keg-laden golf bag up and down a fairway…Maybe you should consider giving up golf for a bartending gig…then you can haul kegs around 24/7…just sayin.’

That idea not a bad enough for you?  

There’s more…




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