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Newbies – New Releases That You Want to Look Out For

So many beers, So little time... Short's Brewing has entered the Session IPA marketplace in a big way and we've got the entire "skinny" for you. Plus we've some cool new "summertime" releases from Uinta and the Shmaltz Brewing Company that you absolutely need to know about! 

So welcome to Newbies -ACB's essential guide to the newest and most awesome craft beers.

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The American Craft Beer Vacation Guide – The Price of Beer Abroad

Summertime is for many a time for vacations, and with today's soaring cost of living, taking a trip can be more expensive than ever. We can't help you with hotel costs and we wouldn't presume to tell you how to get the best international airfare prices. And besides, most of you already know online sites that will help you with those things.

But a much overlooked, though no less important expense, is the cost of that beer that you'll be drinking - and that we can help you with!

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The American Craft Beer Rumor Mill – June 25, 2014

Hey it's Wednesday and that means it's Rumor Mill Time....A craft beer billionaire recently sold 4,000 shares of his publically held company. We've got the complete skinny on that "eye-raising" liquidation. Plus we've a roundup of the latest craft news and an all-important update on what we're drinking this week.

We don't sleep so you can....THIS WEEK'S RUMOR MILL IS ON!

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Rock, Rock, Rock Bar Ch…Ch …Cherry Bomb

New in town or just passing through Osaka and want to rock yer balls off (or yer gazombas, as the case may be) at an after-hours joint? How about throwing in some solid bottles of American craft, fading into the liquid intensity of Zeppelin, while belting out the lyrics with even the bar-hands joining in? Then buy yer next round at Rock Bar Cherry Bomb. You won't regret it, though you might not remember it. This cozy, 5th floor establishment overlooks the city like a beer vortex into the nether regions of the night where you'll find it in the heart of Namba, Osaka (that's downtown Osaka, Japan, for those of you who have yet to visit this little island in Asia).

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Newbies – New Craft Beer Releases That You Want to Look Out For – June 24, 2014

So many beers- So little time... Victory Brewing is not content to rest on their laurels. They've changed up a classic dramatically and they're not looking back! Plus we've the latest release from Firestone Walker and something new form Sierra Nevada. Newbies is your essential map to the "best of the best" and the hottest new craft beers rolling out each week.

So welcome to another edition of Newbies -Your ultimate guide to great new craft beers!

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How to Pick a Craft Beer Distributor: Two Roads Brewing Co. Style

Connecticut-based Two Roads is delightful for several reasons. First of all, its name is based on a Robert Frost poem - how badass is that? Second of all, they're down with the wordplay, a-la beers like Conntucky Lightnin', an event called Nor'Yeaster and a summer-long contest called Conn Artist (I suspect they would get along swimmingly with the punsters over at Jack's Abby). Third of all, their factory features New England's largest tap handle. Don't try to pour from that bad boy. And most importantly, after just a year and a half of operation, they have picked two new distributors and expanded to New York and Massachusetts.

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The Craft Scene at Bonnaroo 2014

Rumor has it 80,000 people attended Bonnaroo this year. At times, the Manchester, TN festival grounds felt packed with brightly clothed bodies and flocks of music fans, and at other times (early afternoon or late, late at night) it felt oddly empty. In the past three years, my favorite moments have been polar opposites - joining a sea of thousands at headliner shows such as Paul McCartney, Radiohead, and this year's Elton John performance - or finding myself part of a couple hundred at smaller stages where amazing acts such as the Lone Bellow and Syd Arthur held court.


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The American Craft Beer Weekend Picks – June 20, 2014

Hey it's Friday and you're ready for some fun. Well good, because we're all about it and we've got all kinds of ideas for you. From the nation's coolest beer festivals to movies, music, and cutting-edge TV - we've got your back big-time. We've also a Weekend Beer Pick for you too, because we know you'll be drinking.

So welcome to our awesome Weekend Picks...

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