QUICK HITS – Craft Beer’s New York State Of Mind, Firestone Walker’s Future And More!

, QUICK HITS – Craft Beer’s New York State Of Mind, Firestone Walker’s Future And More!

Just like the weather things are heating up considerably in the world of craft beer. And here’s some of what’s been happening while you were drinking your way through the weekend.

, QUICK HITS – Craft Beer’s New York State Of Mind, Firestone Walker’s Future And More!Craft Beer’s “New York State Of Mind” (Albany, New York) – There are now an amazing 326 breweries in the State Of New York that’s the highest they’ve seen since before prohibition. And according to the New York State Brewers those breweries currently have a $4 billion economic impact on the state, the 4th highest in the nation.

Smart Legislation initiated by Governor Andrew Cuomo and his administration has led to an explosion of ne craft beer producers in a state which only had 38 breweries as of 2003.

Another Reason for Craft Beers Emergence in New York State can be traced back to the introduction of the 2013 Farm Brewing license in 2103 which incentivized breweries to use NYS grown hops and malting barley and in doing so, reignited the hops industry as well as malting operations in NYS.


Words To Drink By (Durango, CO) – “Today, we are seeing an average of one brewery opening every 10 days.”

Paul Leone – NYSBA Executive Director on brewery growth In New York State


, QUICK HITS – Craft Beer’s New York State Of Mind, Firestone Walker’s Future And More!Experimentation Expected to Drive Firestone Walkers Future (Paso Robles / Venice, CA) – Having just last year, celebrated their 20 years in the biz, Firestone Walker is looking at experimentation primarily at their new small batch SoCal brewery down in Venice, California to “propagate” their future.

Firestone Walker’s Propagator is a state-of-the-art “micro” that was engineered by Kaspar Schulz of Germany and pretty much sets a new standard for this kind of thing. It’s designed for brewing small, nimble batches, – and will enable their SoCal brewing team to explore new ideas and fine-tune the results – which can then be up-scaled at the main brewery in Paso Robles.


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