Welcome to our next installment of “I’m Drinking WHAT!?”, a series that gives you a brief overview of some of the ingredients that go into the craft beer you’re drinking. In our first article, we took a look at Brettanomyces, a wild yeast that can provide a pleasing, sour tang to your brew. This time, we’ll take a quick look at holiday beers, and particularly the ingredients that are thrown into them.

You might ask, “Holiday beers? Isn’t it only the beginning of November?” Yes, we see your point, but in a country where summer wheat beers are released at the end of March and Christmas songs start playing as soon as the kids finish trick-or-treating, it’s never too early to get a head start on things. The six-packs of Oktoberfest and pumpkin beers are being pulled off of the shelves. It’s time to stock them with something new.


In the days before hops were utilized in brewing, herbs and spices were often added to beer to give it flavor along with medicinal qualities. According to Great Lakes Brewing Company, this practice was brought back in the early 1900’s as local breweries in some of the northern Western European countries started making dark, stronger, spiced holiday beers. This year, American craft breweries are using nutmeg, allspice, clove, cinnamon, and other spices to lend their beers some holiday cheer.

One of the more popular regional holiday beers is Great Lakes Brewing Company’s Christmas Ale. In addition to being brewed with honey, ginger and cinnamon are thrown into the mix to deliver a fragrant, holiday flavor. Available in 6-packs and on draft from November – December, this ale doesn’t make it far outside its birthplace in Cleveland, Ohio.


Other breweries will take a slightly different route. Never one to go with a mainstream recipe, Rogue Ales, utilizes juniper berries in their Juniper Pale Ale. Pungent and piney, this brew will make you feel like you’re in the middle of the northern woods, even if you’re enjoying 70 degree weather sitting in a park in San Francisco.

Whichever holidays you’re celebrating this season, we support you imbibing some of the great seasonal ales your local market has to offer. We’ll see you during the next edition of “I’m Drinking WHAT!?”

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