Heavy Seas Beer Gets Industry Player Dan Kopman For CEO

, Heavy Seas Beer Gets Industry Player Dan Kopman For CEO

The guy’s an accomplised craft beer professional and this is a very big “get” for Hugh Sisson’s award-winning brewery that’s going to be a win-win for all parties involved.

Heavy Seas Beer has named Dan Kopman as Chief Executive Officer (effective May 1st). Dan will report to the brewery’s Founder, Hugh Sisson, who will remain a full-time Managing Partner and continue to play a very active role in the business. 

Heavy Seas’ current General Manager, Patrick Helsel, who is relocating to California at the end of May, and will stay onboard for a period to help facilitate Dan’s transition.

Dan was previously Co-Founder and CEO of Schlafly Beer where he along with Tom Schlafly basically gave birth to true craft beer culture in St Louis.

He also served as served as member of the Brewers Association Board of Directors in 2015-2016 and was awarded the F.X. Matt Defense of the Industry Award by the BA for his leadership role in the craft brewing industry and his work to promote federal excise tax reform for America’s craft brewers.

Bottom line: Dan’s a seasoned and widely respected industry leader – and his joining Hugh Sisson’s Heavy Seas Beer is a big deal and a great move.

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