Sexy female Halloween costumes have been blown out of proportion in recent years. I remember talking to friends six or seven Halloweens ago at a bar on Hollywood Boulevard when the slutty (insert practically anything here) costume was becoming popular and I was saying that there was a whole world of possibilities for these costumes. I was suggesting a Slutty SCUBA Diver, a Sexy Carburetor, a Slutty FDR, and so on. Now these ideas are practically real. A slutty Bert and Ernie? A sexy Yoda? A smokin’ hot Optimus Prime?! Nice try, but I think we can raise the ridiculous meter a few more bars. Here at ACB, we joined the bandwagon and made some outfits that will meet your sexy craft beer costume needs.
Sexy Fermenting Tank
Mmmmmmm, what’s that smell? Oh that’s Jenny fermenting beer and expelling yeast gas. You will be the Bell of the Ball, ladies, with this fashionable and not-at-all awkward or cumbersome shiny costume!
Sexy Greg Koch
We all like to dress up as our heroes, but what if that hero isn’t sexy enough? We all have our favorite breweries, brewery owners, and brew masters. Honor those few by making them hot and sexy! Clinique here is honoring her beloved craft beer company, Stone, by dressing up as owner Greg Koch.
Sexy Stout Chalice
Have you ever looked at a beer chalice and thought to yourself, “That is one sexy-looking glass?” Then you’re on the right page my friend, because those curves in the glass were created by Belgian monks who we all know were huge perverts (there’s no real proof of this, but just roll with us here). A sexy-looking glass obviously equates to a sexy-looking costume. Try saying this line when you’re wearing this classic, “I’m a little beer glass filled with stout, when I get all steamed up, pour me out.” Whoa! Now that’s sexy!
Sexy Firk
Cask-condition your costume this year and turn your sex-i-tude to a balmy 54 degrees! You’ll have male partygoers constantly asking, “What’s under the cask?” And you can respond with, “A real ale.” With this hot number, you can count on people wanting to tap your firk, or firk your tap… you know, whatever you’re into.