We’re not sure just where and when this whole association with dogs and beer began…but since we’re fond of both dogs and beer we’re okay with it. From the canine- themed names that so many craft breweries have adopted, to the thousands of beers that reference “man’s best friend,” dogs and beer have long been a thing. And here are some dog-forward beer labels that we love.
Elle’s Brown Ale – Avery Brewing (Boulder, CO)
Part of Avery’s year-round portfolio, Ellie’s Brown Ale takes an inescapably naturalistic approach to its imaging and we’ve no doubt that Ellie is (or was) someone at the brewery’s pet. We love the emphasis on dog’s regal profile and the fact that Ellie’s image appears as if it were museum framed. And, oh yeah, the beer doesn’t suck either.
Raging Bitch – Flying Dog Brewing (Frederick, MD)
Almost the exact opposite conceptually, from Elle’s classicist approach, Ralph Steadman’s design for Flying Dog is an explosive reminder that dogs can also “jump ugly” . It’s also an artistic masterpiece and one of craft beer’s best labels ever!
Chub Step Porter – Half Acre Beer (Chicago, IL)
Half Acre Beer takes a very art-centric approach to many of their beer labels. We’ve seen three separate labels celebrating different releases of their popular Chub Step Porter – and all are as accomplished as they are completely different from one another. We’re going with 2014’s “Goth” label artwork because it made us laugh, but they’ve all been pretty amazing.
Fat Dog – Stoudts Brewing (Adamstown, PA)
Okay, we admit that this straightforward label from Pennsylvania heritage brewer Stoudt’s might not make as direct an artistic statement as others. But as those of us who have dogs as pets know all too well – a big dog can pretty much take over a household. And we think the dog’s “Godzilla-like” placement over the brewery makes a statement as to who’s really in charge.
Bam Bière Farmhouse Ale – Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales (Traverse City, MI)
Designed as a homage to Jolly Pumpkin’s “house dog” who was hit by a car and bounced back – and also to the brewery itself and the hits they took before finally becoming successful, Bam Bière is a label that any dog-owner can appreciate – and we do.
This post is dedicated to Kathi Bobak who lost her beloved dog, Sophie, yesterday.