Almanac Beer Company
2325 3rd Street, Suite 222San Francisco, CA 94107
The Almanac Beer Company was founded in 2010 by Jesse Friedman and Damian Fagan. We brew farm-to-barrel seasonal ales to be enjoyed alongside the seasonal cuisine of the San Francisco Bay Area. Farm-to-barrel brewing is about selecting the best in locally sourced fruit and blending it into beers inspired by the great brewing traditions of the world. We aim to create something special and uniquely Northern Californian. Jesse and Damian collaborated to found the Almanac Beer Company--a brewery dedicated to producing seasonal artisan ales, brewed specifically to complement local cuisine sourced and prepared with the same great care and craft. We came to the brewing world by way of homebrewing. For years in our respective San Francisco apartments we'd brew five gallon stove-top batches, developing a passion for crafting unique and unusual beers unavailable commercially. Using farmer's markets as the launching pad for many unique homebrews, we knew right away we were on to something. We've taken that passion and adventurous spirit and decided to brew on a larger scale with the hope of sharing our vision with our community. Each harvest we partner with a different Northern California farm to supply the fruit used for our next brew. Every beer is a collaboration between us and the local terroir. Each release is a unique seasonal product, brewed and bottled only once, designed to age gracefully for years. Almanac Beer Company has been a labor of love nearly two years in the making--a collaborative effort combining our complementary skillsets. Damian brings his visual design and business management experience to bear as the company artist, responsible for the labels that grace each bottle, as well as running the day to day operations of the company. Jesse manages the beer, tasked with recipe development, barrel selection, and managing the brewer and farm relationships. Both of us strive to make the kind of beers we're proud to share around our own dinner tables.