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We blame the industry for this... It used to be that when we wrapped up our Weekend Picks on Friday, we could coast through the weekend. There was little need to check in for updates - things were pretty much done. But clearly all that's changed. So here's some of what's happened in the world of craft beer while you were out enjoying yourselves.

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Beerknurds Have Landed

Texas is the new star of craft beer and the variety of beer festivals held throughout spring and summer prove that Texans are quickly gaining enthusiasm for craft beer. This past weekend, the local craft brew chain Flying Saucer held its 4th annual BEERFEäST, where 500 of the craziest beerknurds battled 100° temperatures for samples of delicious craft brew from more than 50 breweries across the world.

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The American Craft Beer Weekend Picks – June 21, 2013

Hey it's Friday and the weekend's almost here. Summer has arrived and you're ready for some fun. That's where we come in! We're all about it and we've got your back big-time. Plus we've got a special weekend beer pick that you'll want to track down. So welcome to this week's edition of our awesome Weekend Picks!

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The National Nightmare Is Over – We’re Back!

As many of you who visit us regularly know, American Craft Beer got cyber-hacked yesterday and Google issued a scary warning saying that the site wasn't safe. But thanks to our brilliant Technical Samurai, that situation was immediately remedied and we're safely up and running once again.

We apologize to all of our "dangerous hopheads" out there, who were denied their daily dose of us, but rest assured, we are back with a renewed commitment to having fun, celebrating the industry, and dragging a whole new generation down the road to ruin.

Tom Bobak - Founder & Editor-In-Chief / American Craft Beer LLC

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Bonnaroo 2013: Brews, Bands, and a Whole Lot of Love

Behind the headliners that made the Bonnaroo festival a sold-out draw this past weekend for 90,000 music lovers were the unsung artists of the event - the 25 craft breweries who hauled kegs and staff across the country to set up shop in the lofty Broo'ers Festival tent. From Chico, California to Brooklyn, New York, they came to share their wares, win over new fans, and shower a little education (and free samples) on those smart enough to show up for daily Broo U sessions

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The American Craft Beer Rumor Mill – June 19, 2013

Hey it's Wednesday and it's Rumor Mill Time...There's Gigantic news coming out of Portland, Oregon and we'll be bringing you everything we know so far. Plus we've got some fast-breaking news from Great Lakes Brewing and more gossip from Escondido! We've also got a fresh new release that you'll want to chase down. So fasten your seatbelts everybody...THIS WEEK'S RUMOR MILL IS ON!

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Idiot Drinking: The 4 Stupidest Ways to Ingest Alcohol

If I were to visualize the amount of alcohol I've ingested since the time I first set foot on a college campus, I think we'd have a swimming pool fit for the travel channel on our hands. It's been cold and crisp, lukewarm and desperate, infused into gummy bears and watermelons - you name it. But it's all been consumed orally. As a satisfied consumer for the past six years, I see no need to alter this process. Drink, enjoy, and move on with your life. This process just doesn't seem to cut it for some people, which brings me to today's topic: the 4 stupidest ways to ingest alcohol.

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SAVOR In New York City

SAVOR has always been held in Washington, DC, and since that's also where American Craft Beer is based, we didn't want to like that it was being held in New York City this year. And as happy as we are to hear that it will be returning to the Nation's Capital next year, we have to admit that we had a total blast up at SAVOR last weekend, and that hosting it in NYC was a good idea for a number of reasons...

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