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Diamond Knot – Summer is in Session

It's summer! For those under 21, that means summer camp. For diehard homebrewers and devout bloggers, that might mean Beer Camp (looking at you, Sierra Nevada and Baird Brewing!). However, for everyone else, summer is the season of choice for outdoor revelry at any number of beer festivals around the world.

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The American Craft Beer Quick Hits – August 25, 2014

We blame the industry for this... It used to be that when we wrapped up our Weekend Picks on Friday, we could coast through the weekend. There was little need to check in for updates -things were pretty much done. But clearly all that's changed.

So here's some of what's happened in the world of craft beer while you were off enjoying yourselves.

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The American Craft Beer Friday Wrap-Up

Hey we get it. You're busy and you've other pressing obligations that might get in the way of you hanging with us 24/7. But still, we can't have you missing all the good stuff. So as part of our ongoing commitment to bringing you the most unique and entertaining craft beer and lifestyle coverage on the face of the planet - and to keep you plugged into our continuing recklessness - we've introduced this new regular feature.

So welcome to ACB's Friday Wrap-Up - This Week's Good, Bad, & Ugly

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The American Craft Beer Weekend Picks – August 22, 2014

Hey it's Friday...Work's been brutal this week so you're ready to shut down and have some fun. Well good, because we're all about it and we've got all kinds of awesome ideas for you. From the nation's coolest beer festivals to movies, music and cutting edge TV - we've got your back big-time.

So welcome to our awesome Weekend Picks...

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The American Craft Beer Rumor Mill – August 20, 2014

Hey it's Wednesday and that means it's Rumor Mill time...One of Indiana's largest craft breweries is about to get bigger, a September opening date is set for Lakeland's Brew Hub, Corona gets recalled (ha ha!), and ACB got a sneak peak and some inside deets at Richmond's upcoming The Answer Brewpub. We've also got an awesome new release that you'll want to chase down. So fasten your seat belts everybody... THIS WEEK'S RUMOR MILL IS ON!

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Hop To It – It’s DC Beer Week


We don't know about the rest of you, but we're stoked DC Beer Week is upon us yet again. If you've seen an events calendar lately, then you know the depth and variety of options taking place all over. Well, we decided to do some of the legwork for you so that you can do what you're supposed to do on this fine week - drink SERIOUS BEER.


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Newbies – New Craft Beer Releases That You Want to Look Out For – August 19, 2014

Hey, we may not be professionals, but we know you don't have the time or energy to hunt down the newest big game beers on the market. So we have our experts trolling the interwebs, holding an ear to the rail, and keeping a wet finger in the wind to catch drift of the best beers blowing into stores as we speak. From Almanac's Dark Pumpkin Sour to DC Beer Week's Solidarity Session IPA, we've found all sorts of beers you'll want to chase down.

So welcome to another edition of Newbies -Your ultimate guide to great new craft beers!

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NYC: A Modern-Day Gomorrah

There are few things better than taking an unscheduled day off from work and sticking it to the man for a long weekend of shenanigans. A great warrior was once asked what is best in life, and answered with "crushing your enemies, see them driven before you, and hearing the lamentation of their women." I contend it's screwing off of work to stuff your face with trendy street foods and craft beer in New York City.


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