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The American Craft Beer Weekend Picks – December 11, 2015

Hey it's Friday...Work's wrapping up and you're ready for some fun. Well good, because we're all about it and we've got all kinds of ideas for you. From the nation's coolest beer festivals to movies, music and cutting edge TV - we've got your back big-time.  Plus we've a weekend beer pick for you too, because we know you'll be drinking!

So welcome to our awesome Weekend Picks...

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American Craft Beer celebrates “National Lager Day”

Today is National Lager Day - and if you're telling us you knew that - we're calling bullshit on you. We write about things like this daily and the date might have escaped us, had it not been for a special Lager Day "care package" that showed up at the ACB compound yesterday...but more on that later.

...And don't even think about hitting an IPA today!


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5 Classic Winter Holiday Craft Beers

The Winter Holiday celebrations have already begun and with them comes the beers of the season. You'll be needing just the right holiday offerings for all those parties that you'll be attending...And we've a number of seasonal classics guaranteed to keep your outings "naughty and nice."

asdfadsfHoliday celebrations have already begun and with them comes the beers of the season. You'll be needing just the right holiday offerings for all those parties that you'll be attending...And we've a number of seasonal classics guaranteed to keep your outings "naughty and nice."

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The American Craft Beer Rumor Mill – December 9, 2015

Yikes the holiday season has arrived...and clearly nothing is slowing down anytime soon. But no worries Rumor Mill is always on the case, keeping you plugged in to all the craft beer news that matters. Plus we've an all-important update on what we've been drinking lately and you absolutely don't want to miss that.

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Good Books: Holiday Edition – Part II


Good books, like good beers, matter - That's why we first introduced our Good Books series in 2013. And with the holiday shopping season now upon us - we thought it might be helpful to hit up the Good Books archives - and to highlight some books that might make perfect gifts for that craft beer lover of yours...

So welcome to Part II of our special Holiday Edition of Good Books - And if you haven't already checked out Part I - we're pissed at you.


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The American Craft Beer Holiday Gift Guide – Part III

The holidays are ON and we're highlighting some of this season's more interesting craft beer gift ideas for that beer lover on your list. This year we've so many suggestions for you that we're running these things almost daily. So stay tuned to Planet ACB for more of the best craft gift ideas out there!

Welcome toPart III of our 2015 Holiday Gift Guide...And if you haven't already checked out Part I  or Part II - we're pissed at you.

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Newbies – 5 Winter Craft Beers You Need To Check Out

So many beers- So little time... Winter is undeniably on its way and with it comes the beers of the season. And, yes, we've a number of interesting new releases that you'll want to chase down...We also have some interesting new offerings from SweetWater and Oskar Blues that sound serious as well.

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We blame the industry for this... It used to be that when we wrapped up our Weekend Picks on Friday, we could coast through the weekend. There was little need to check in for updates - things were pretty much done. But clearly all that's changed.

So here's some of what's happened in the world of craft beer while you were off enjoying yourselves

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American Craft Beer Celebrates Repeal Day

December 5th marks the anniversary of the day that the United States repealed the 18th amendment, ending thirteen dark years of Prohibition, and restoring the right for Americans to purchase and consume alcohol once again. Today is a pretty big holiday for us at the American Craft Beer offices. Some of us have been celebrating since 7 am this morning and we suggest that you find some time to as well.

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The American Craft Beer Weekend Picks – December 4, 2015

Hey it's Friday...Work's wrapping up and you're ready for some fun. Well good, because we're all about it and we've got all kinds of ideas for you. From the nation's coolest beer festivals to movies, music and cutting edge TV - we've got your back big-time.  Plus we've a weekend beer pick for you too, because we know you'll be drinking!

So welcome to our awesome Weekend Picks...

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