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Craft Beer Rock Stars

It's crazy how much the excitement that now surrounds the craft beer industry reminds us of the energy that used to (and to a certain degree, still does) surround the music industry. And just as the music industry back in the day gave birth to rock stars -people like Mick Jagger or Robert Plant, who became the faces of bands they came from - there's a similar thing happening with some people in the craft beer arena today.

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Bad Ideas in Brewing – Cold Turkey Breakfast Beer

Hey, no one's perfect, and we at American Craft know that as much as anybody, having enthusiastically acted on more bad ideas than we care to think about...That said, there are some ideas out there that are so monumentally bad and so misguided as to boggle the mind, allowing us to declare that "at least we didn't come up with that!" ...So welcome to the latest in our ongoing series of Bad Ideas in Brewing - Cold Turkey Morning Beer.

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Hogshead: Cask-Conditioning America

"I can't figure out how the American craft beer industry has missed this," Stephen Kirby shakes his head as he pulls me a sweet, malty Chin Wag ESB from a beer engine at Hogshead Brewery in Denver, Kirby makes as much cask-conditioned beers as anyone in the country at this little 1950's gas station-turned-brewery. He swears by this largely British process, and three cask-conditioned masterpieces later, I was on board with him.

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6 Ways to Make Your Holidays Better with Craft Beer

It's time again for the holidays to hijack our lives and hold our normal routine ransom until we spend copious amounts of money and gorge ourselves with food. But if you're like me and you're not ready to go through the same tedious holiday schedule, then try spicing things up a bit with, you guessed it, craft beer!

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The American Craft Beer Holiday Wrap-Up

Hey we get it. You're busy with holiday shopping and end-of-the-year office parties and you can't hang with us 24/7. But we still don't want you to be missing all the good stuff. And as we're currently in the thick of the holiday season - you need to be checking out all the "Winter Holiday" craft beer bits we've been doing lately.

So welcome to our Special Holiday Wrap-Up...and we promise we'll be done with all this seasonal stuff once you've taken down all those ridiculous decorations.

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The American Craft Beer Christmas Rumor Mill

Yikes Christmas is almost here...and clearly nothing is slowing down anytime soon. But even at this time of year, Rumor Mill is on the case, keeping you plugged in to all the craft beer news, and anything else that we think matters. Plus we've an all-important update on what we've been drinking lately and you absolutely don't want to miss that.

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5 Winter Ales to Help You Survive the Holidays

We all know what it's like when the holidays roll around each year:  Christmas music, Black Friday sales, Santas everywhere and a general reveling in the holiday spirit. There are candles to be lit, dreidels to be spun, a baby born in a barn and all manner of family traditions as the winter begins to creep in. Amid all this joy and love, there's also a lot of stress, social calls, presents to be wrapped and wired children to corral. So here are five different well-crafted beers we suggest offering loved ones for your feast or simply as a brief escape from the madness of the holidays.

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What The Hell Is A Winter Warmer?

You might get the impression that we, the beer gurus of ACB, understand all there is to know about beer, yet we're still learning just like you. It's this thirst for knowledge that drives us to dig deeper into the stories behind the beer we drink. It's our goal to protect you from the embarrassment of not knowing exactly what it is you've decided to put in your mouth or even worse, what you stick in someone else's...

So welcome to the latest in our ongoing series (drum roll please...) "What the Hell is a Winter Warmer?"

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5 More Holiday Newbies

So many holiday beers- To little time...You may be over all these winter seasonals and special holiday releases - but we're not here at ACB. And like it or not - we've more beers that will pair insanely well with that fruitcake that you've been unable to get rid of - and we're not backing off until February! 

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