The 2014 American Craft Beer Guide to Hangover Cures

Welcome to 2014…We hope you all had a blast last night. But if you (like so many of us) had too much fun – and you’re paying for it now – we’re here to help.

If you’re smart, you no longer go there – but I’d wager that there’s no one reading this who’s never felt the wrath of a real hangover. A real hangover is not just feeling tired or feeling a little off. A real hangover is brutal – a real hangover is depressing – a real hangover sucks. But with some planning, real hangovers can be avoided or at least lessened and we’ve got some suggestions.

1) Don’t drink like a Mad Man – Drinking too much has consequences – we all know that. Because of what we do at ACB, we get invited to tons of events that involve drinking and have necessarily learned how to drink professionally. But that’s us – that’s not everybody. If you’ve noticed that you’re not prone to moderation, then it’s time to get serious (or maybe get a sponsor) – and we’re not kidding!

2) Don’t drink on an empty stomach – C’mon, this is hangover 101. We don’t have to explain this one to you, do we?

3) Drink water – As you most likely know from the frequent trips to the bathroom during a night of debauchery, alcohol is a diuretic and can cause dehydration. H20 is essential. Before falling into bed, try to drink 16 to 20 oz. of water. We know that may seem excessive – but drinking water before bed is the first line of defense to lessen a hangover’s consequences.

4) Sleep as much as you can
– You’ve all heard the saying “sleeping it off.” Well if you can, you should. What’s the point of getting out of bed if you feel half dead? Again this is pretty basic.

5) Coffee – Sure, a hot cup of java might help. But coffee’s effects are temporary and caffeine can both treat and cause headaches and migraines, so this one’s a personal call.

6) Hair of the Dog – Drinking more to lessen alcohol’s effect is a bad, bad idea.Experts agree that taking this approach greatly increases the risk of abuse and could lead to even bigger problems – See #1.

7) Pain medication – Sure, they can help, especially if you have a headache. But stick to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (or NSAIDs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen), not acetaminophen (Tylenol) and be aware that you’ve already tortured your liver and too much medication could cause you further problems down the road.

8) Greasy food – Many crave greasy food when they’re hungover. It almost seems medicinal – but it’s not. Maybe it settles your stomach a bit, but really, it’s just greasy food. It’s more important that you eat before you drink, not after – See #2.

9) Exercise – While the whole “sweat it out thing” is basically a myth, if you do work out hard enough, you can release endorphins into your system and that might boost your mood. And if you are exercising, be sure that you’re drinking plenty of fluids at the same time – see #3 and #4 while you’re at it!

10) Don’t drink like a Mad Man – This point bears repeating! Drink responsibly or don’t drink at all and again, we’re not kidding.



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