Pumpkin Beer Haters Pick The Best Pumpkin Beers

, Pumpkin Beer Haters Pick The Best Pumpkin Beers

Hate’s a strong word, but like many, we don’t really enjoy pumpkin beers all that much. But here are some pumpkin beers that could potentially win over the most jaded pumpkin beer haters.

Avery Rumpkin

, Pumpkin Beer Haters Pick The Best Pumpkin BeersA core fall seasonal offering at Boulder, Colorado’s Avery Brewing since 2011, this pumpkin beer is as aggressive as it is elegant but it’s not for the faint of heart. Part of the brewery’s annual Barrel Series, 2020’s  Avery Rumpkin  is a HUGE 16.3% ABV rum barrel-aged Pumpkin Ale, with rich rum, vanilla and rich molasses tones.

This is THE pumpkin ale for rum lovers and pumpkin beer haters

Two Roads Roadsmary’s Baby

We might have picked Stratford Connecticut–based Two Roads Brewing’s fall seasonal for its clever name alone, but their pumpkin beer’s awesome taste more than validates our enthusiasm.

Like Avery’s RumpkinRoadsmary’s Baby is aged in seasoned rum barrels. But Unlike Avery’s pumpkin beer, Two Roads’ traditional pumpkin ale is a relatively low octane offering (6.8% ABV) that delivers buckets of flavor without that high alcohol heat.

Cigar City Good Gourd

It’s interesting that a fall seasonal which is so often cited as the pumpkin beer against which all others are measured, comes from Cigar City, a Tampa, Florida brewery in a state not normally associated with fall.

Cigar City Good Gourd Imperial Pumpkin Ale is a massive 8.5% ABV seasonal that combines cinnamon, allspice, cloves, nutmeg, and vanilla to emulate the flavors of a decadent, piquant pumpkin pie and then ups the ante to eleven!

New Belgium Voodoo Atomic Pumpkin

, Pumpkin Beer Haters Pick The Best Pumpkin BeersNew Belgium’s Voodoo Ranger Series has produced some of the brewery’s most exciting releases and its annual fall offering rethinks the whole ‘pumpkin beer’ thing entirely.

Brewed with fresh pumpkin juice, Saigon cinnamon, Habanero, Aji and Del Arbol peppers, Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin is a medium-bodied 6.4% ale that pours bright autumnal orange with a light white lacing, and a spicy, warming mouthfeel.

Saint Arnold Pumpkinator

When you take a gold medal at the GABF beer competition, you’ve got something going on, and Houston, Texas-based Saint Arnold Brewing most certainly does…

The most expensive beer that Saint Arnold brews, Pumpkinator is a big, black, full of spice, full of flavor 19.5% ABV Pumpkin Stout. Originally released in 2009 as Divine Reserve No. 9, this is an imperial stout that’s informed by the addition of pumpkin, rather than overpowered.


Want more on Pumpkin Beers?  There’s this…


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