Beer Ranks #1 In New Gallup Poll

, Beer Ranks #1 In New Gallup Poll

According to a recent poll, beer remains the drink of choice among American drinkers.

The poll couldn’t have been more straightforward. Gallup simply asked American adults, “Do you most often drink liquor, wine or beer?”

Thirty-eight percent of respondents cited beer as their go-to, 30% said wine and 29 % liquor.

The latest results are from Gallup’s July 1-12 Consumption Habits survey and are based on telephone interviews with US national adults, aged 18 and older.

The survey also found that 55% of men prefer beer with 45% of women reporting a preference for wine and that the largest percentage of beer consumers live in the Midwest or the East.

Gallup also found that in addition to US Regions, socio-economic factors like age and education appeared to play a part in the respondents’ alcohol preferences…

, Beer Ranks #1 In New Gallup Poll

“Adults under 55 are the age groups most likely to prefer beer as well as liquor, while adults over 55 are the most likely to prefer wine,” said Gallup. “Residents of the East and Midwest are most partial to beer. While no particular region is particularly oriented to wine or liquor, the Midwest lags behind the other regions in preferring wine.”

High income Americans choose wine over beer according to the Gallup survey “By contrast, lower-income Americans are the most partial to beer.”

Of drinkers with a college degree, 39% reported that they drink beer most often. For those with no college, 47% said they drink beer most often.

, Beer Ranks #1 In New Gallup Poll“Alcohol remains a popular beverage in the US, with nearly two in three Americans drinking it,” according to Gallup.

Sixty-five percent of all U.S. adults, aged 18 and older, currently say they “have occasion to use alcoholic beverages such as liquor, wine or beer” while 34% describe themselves as a “total abstainer.”

But Gallup also noted that in spite of the nation’s drinking rate holding steady, alcohol preferences are evolving…

 “Americans’ preferred type of alcoholic beverage has varied a bit over the years, possibly reflecting such industry trends as the rise of craft beers and more recently craft liquors.”

According to Gallup health trends, such as the growing popularity of low carbohydrate diets, may also help explain why some people are migrating toward liquor which unlike beer is generally carb-free.

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