What If Abe Lincoln Had Been A Serious Craft Beer Guy?

, What If Abe Lincoln Had Been A Serious Craft Beer Guy?

With today being President’s Day we thought we’d explore how Presidential history might have been significantly different had craft beer been around…

There have been plenty of American presidents who enjoyed their fair share of beer.

John Adams drank beer for breakfast! And Grover Cleveland drank so heavily that he was advised to cap his consumption at four beers a day while campaigning, or risk losing the election

President Obama brewed (or more likely his staff was directed to brew) the White House’s most recent homebrews, and since President Trump doesn’t drink, we expect that trend will be on hold for the next couple of years.

Which gives us time to consider how history might have been different had Honest Abe been an avid craft beer enthusiast…and whether it would have changed history.

Is it possible that Abraham Lincoln might have actually avoided his fateful end at Ford’s Theater on April 14, 1865 had he been a serious craft beer drinker? We think it’s a presidential possibility that needs to be addressed!

Some presidential scholars have reported Lincoln actually had a nightmare about his own assassination three days prior to the event.

He told his friends and his biographer, Ward Hill Lamon, about the dream where he saw people mourning over his body. And we all know that any serious craft beer drinker would be dying (no pun intended) to share an ominous story like that with his barroom crew.  Who knows…that could have changed the course of history (or not).

The truth is that Abraham Lincoln rarely drank beer at all, and when he did, he only drank lagers due to doctor’s orders.

, What If Abe Lincoln Had Been A Serious Craft Beer Guy?But had Lincoln been a lover of fine craft beers, the president would have probably power-pounded a couple high-octane IPAs just to ease the pain of sitting through another evening of sub-par community theater.

Enabled by a hefty pre-theatrical buzz, Honest Abe might have started to put the pieces together: spooky death dream + It being Good Friday + having just save the union from destruction + a stupid play = not spending the evening at the Ford Theater.

If President Lincoln had been a craft beer guy maybe he’d have just blown off the play and his wife entirely and just binged in the tavern all evening (why not?).

Then John Wilkes Booth would have come up miserably empty-handed, and Lincoln could have potentially had a history-changing run…

Yes, Mary Todd Lincoln would have been pissed for a while (but she’d get over it) and besides it beats the alternative….right?


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