5 Exciting New International And American India Pale Ales

, 5 Exciting New International And American India Pale AlesIPA’s continue to rule all over the world…And here are a five new uber-intriguing offerings worth travelling for.

An International, Intercontinental, IPA Collaboration (Berkeley, CA/ Leeds, UK) – Credit the Lonely Planet Media Group and their fun new book, Lonely Planet’s Global Beer Tour, with bringing together Northern California’s Fieldwork Brewing and the UK’s Northern Monk Brew Company to craft this international limited edition, that celebrates the book, and an international brewing partnership. Lonely Planet Travel Notes is a fruity and floral 6.5% ABV India Pale Ale brewed with ingredients from five continents and fine-tuned by international instincts.

A Serious Irish IPA (Ireland) – And while we’re waxing international, we need to mention an Irish India Pale Ale that we recently enjoyed while we were touring Ireland’s craft beer scene last month. Brewed by The White Hag, an absolutely “killer” brewery we visited in Sligo, Bran & Sceolan Irish IPA is a 7.2% India Pale Ale crafted with five American hops tethered to a rich Irish malt backbone.

, 5 Exciting New International And American India Pale AlesPushing The IPA Envelope (Frederick, MD) – One of our favorite new India Pale Ales is an experimental variation that was recently released as part of Flying Dog’s Blenders IPA Variety Pack. Hoppy and darkly fruited, Flying Dog Abbey IPA is a HUGE 8.5% ABV Belgian-style India Pale Ale that takes “a road less travelled” and succeeds wildly!

A Passion Play (Fort Collins, CO) – New Belgium Brewing recently released the latest IPA from their newly introduced Voodoo Ranger line and it that takes fruit-infused IPAs in a decidedly different direction. In spite of its aggressive 8% ABV, remains a bracingly crisp and fruity summertime refresher.

Fruited IPA Fame (St Louis, MO) – Fruit IPAs are all about balance, that’s where the art is, and Missouri-based Schlafly Beer understands this better than many a brewer out there. Released as part of the brewery’s Frugi-Four Variety 12-pack, Schlafly Apricot IPA is a sessionable 5% ABV exercise in fruited command and restraint.


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